Facing The New Year

The first month of the new year has everyone making extensive plans to do more and to do better. Having just come out of our festivities, where we stayed up longer than usual, ate all kinds of things we don’t usually eat, it is a good idea to plan out adjustments. Our skin and overall health will be very grateful. If you want to do something but are unsure where to start, I’m here to help


As a certified skincare consultant, I help my clients with their skincare goals. During this session, you learn about the biggest organ of your body and how to understand what your skin is asking of you. You’ll also experience what a few adjustments in skincare products can solve in the mini facial provided. You’ll leave feeling renewed, educated, and beautiful.


Now that holiday parties have reached a halt and life is going back to a predictable schedule help your body heal from any damages. It sounds very harsh but think about it. Have you been neglecting proper sleep? Have you been hydrating enough? Have you been stressing and multitasking a lot? Small changes daily compound to significant improvement.


Take a short walk daily. Go over some goals you’d like to accomplish this year. Find out what it will take to accomplish them. If you’re creative, put your goals on a vision board, keep it in front of you and look at it daily so you can be reminded of your purpose every day.


Your friends will be excited and even inspired by your journey. Take them with you, share your ideas and they will be sure to remind you of your goals. If you’re the type to do activities with your friends, this is great! Do a group challenge for the fun of it.


This may not be a traditional New Years resolution but it’s a wonderful thing to add to your schedule. Whether its once a week or a couple times a month, find ways to be involved in your community. It is healing for the soul to help those who cannot pay you back. Volunteering can be done anywhere—helping a neighbor, local food pantry, animal shelter, hospital, or even your local place of worship.

The New Year is here and we must look at this past year, take the lessons we can learn from and leave the rest behind. As the memories of the past few months fade away behind us and we step foot into the open door before us, we must keep be mindful to keep our balance. The only way we can face life this year is to balance the health of our body, mind, and soul. Let’s face life, face first (with radiant, flawless skin preferably) together.

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