Kick start your health and wellness goals with this 10 day Detox

Unlike diets, fads, and all other quick fixes that yield temporary results, this detox helps you start some great habits. There is no focus on expensive pills but a focus on eliminating toxins which leaves you gaining real, natural energy waiting to surface. You should feel full eating nutrient-dense foods that you choose from an extensive grocery list and many recipes.

You should not feel deprived of food during this time. Instead, allow your body to feel nourished with whole foods, nutrients and with the support of supplements. This detox eliminates sugar, processed foods, meat, alcohol, dairy, and any and all additives/fillers. Revive your healthy self in ten days.



Get healthy, confident and photo ready for life with this ALL INCLUSIVE detox program. The next 10 days will help you kick start healthier and cleaner eating habits as well as to facilitate weight loss. You will receive a lot of preparatory information prior to starting the detox along with continual guidance throughout the process.

An excerpt from our blog:

“If you’ve been considering a change but not quite sure how to do it, start by purifying your liver.  Eating clean foods and supporting your body with supplements can help remove toxins that have built up over the years.  This purification gives your immune system a renewed boost—that clean slate. Other benefits are improved energy levels, more radiant skin, and mental clarity, not to mention weight loss. In fact, the body stores much of it’s toxicity in fat, so shedding a few extra pounds can go hand in hand with detoxifying.  So what are you waiting for?

Start your detox and transition into clean eating and a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. I’d love to assist you through this program, and to partner with you on your path to better health and proper balance.”

*Reading material recommendation: Fit for Life and Real Life Detox


+10-day detox plan

+health education

+daily schedule

+grocery list

+24/7 support


+detox support supplements: liver support, glucose health support, the ultimate vitamin combo packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, a probiotic from Kombucha, and a couple other optional add ons.

+guided program and daily support emails


Q: What results should I expect?

A: By the end of the ten days you’ll notice increased energy, improved sleep and mood, possible reduction in weight and reduction in cravings.

Q: What support do I get during this detox?

A: Besides supplements, you will receive detox education, daily emails, health and wellness guidance, recipes, grocery list and a tracker/record keeper. There is also a Facebook group you can join. Feel free to contact us with more questions.

Q: Can I have coffee during this detox?

A: Very small amounts of coffee are acceptable, but it is advisable to drink it free from anything else. Keep in mind, the liver metabolizes caffeine and so coffee should be avoided if possible.