Q. There are so many skin care products out there, which should I choose?
A. First decide what is important to you: Is it proven methods? Cruelty free? Patents? Dermatologically tested? Plant based products? Everyday systems designed to achieve beauty that’s layers deep?
If any one of those things are a requirement for you, then search no more for products out there because Artistry is all of the above. Artistry is an exclusive brand that has been around since the 1950s and has expanded on a global scale, making it one of the top 5 prestigious skin care brands in the world.
Guided by the insight of over 500 scientists and doctors worldwide, Artistry generates advanced breakthroughs with competitive results. Using the best and truest science, this truth celebrates true beauty.
Many Artistry products are issued in Vogue or Elle magazine and you may even hear about them in New York Fashion Week.
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Q. I’m a soap and water person, I don’t know if I can do this skincare thing:
A. I understand you’re busy or just like to be low maintenance. Bar soap is known to dry out the skin. In time that dehydrated skin will look wrinkled and obviously dry.
You’ll be surprised how quickly you could master a skincare routine and you’ll fall in love with your skin. Working with a consultant will help you accomplish what you’re looking for.
Q. How many steps do I need to do?
A. For the inexperienced person, I’d suggest 3 or 4 steps, depending on what you can handle. See if these steps seem overwhelming:
Cleanser: whether foam, cream, or gel this will clean your face.
Toner: Using a cotton swab, wipe your face. This will remove any extra residue and lock in moisture.
Moisturizer: A day moisturizer will have SPF in contrast with a night moisturizer. Don't use spf at night, let your skin heal itself.
If you’re up for a challenge the eye cream is also very important. The skin around the eyes is much thinner than the face and requires a different level for lifting, firming and moisturizing.
For more advanced participants, there are great treatments to recommend adding into that routine.
Q. Does my eating habit affect my skin?
A. Your diet and lifestyle affects your entire health and that includes your skin. Your skin is your largest organ. There is a lot to consider regarding this subject but I’d say drinking plenty of water is vital and a good start for bright, hydrated looking skin.
If you aren’t sure which way to turn, create a simple program to transition bad eating into healthy eating. You should still enjoy life, right? However you should also enjoy good health. Start off by keeping track of what you eat for a couple weeks and plan from there.
To start this, I’d recommend reducing or removing sugars from the diet and limiting intake of processed foods. I love pizza, lattes, and cheesecakes too! However, I love radiant healthy skin more.
Q. I’d like to do better for myself but it can get expensive:
A. Yes, it can, people spend a lot of money trying to look good and get healthy. I will tell you, though, that the sooner you start a good routine the better it is for yourself and wallet. Preventative maintenance is way cheaper than damage control.
You'll get too carried away trying all kinds of products from every avenue and spend a lot in the course of all the experimenting. I'd encourage you to book a consult and get a skin analysis and find out if/what you really need.
Q. What kind of clients do you work with?
A. If you're concerned about your skin's health, texture, troublesome areas and want to do something about it, you're my type of client. Typical clients in the past have been brides, working on looking their best for the big day, men, teenagers with acne, and every other age and the skin issues that come with it.